Some forty singers from the NMSU choirs have been rehearsing for several months for a tour to Germany and Prague at the end of May. Two of the singers,…
Sir Michael Tippett wrote his oratorio, “A Child of Our Time,” as a profound protest against the persecution of Jews during World War II, and the…
Usually percussion in a choral concert will accompany the singers, perhaps with some bold rhythms but mostly in the background. Contemporary composer Gene…
Renaissance costumes, humor, dancing, food and most of all music, will be showcased at a grand “King’s Feast” that will entertain plenty of lords and…
The “Stabat Mater” is an ancient text that has been set to music numerous times across the centuries, including by the brilliant 20th-century composer…
After seeing the famous painting “The Peaceable Kingdom,” by Edward Hicks, at the Worcester Art Museum, composer Randall Thompson wrote a large-scale…