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Sustainer FAQs

Sustainer FAQs

What is a sustainer?

A sustainer is someone like you who makes an ongoing gift to KRWG Public Media that continues year after year until you tell us to stop. This is typically a monthly amount (which automatically renews each year), and you decide the amount that is right for you! This regular, reliable source of support allows KRWG to devote even more funds to bring you and our community the programs you love and count on.

You can make a sustaining gift to TV, radio, or both.

You can become a KRWG Public Media sustainer via your credit card, debit card, or NMSU payroll deduction.

Why should I become a sustainer?

Whether you’re interested in a sustaining radio or TV membership (or both!), it’s simple, easy, and convenient. Here are just a few benefits:

  • You won’t have to worry about your membership expiring
  • You won’t receive renewal mailings (if you do, please contact KRWG)
  • You’ll know you’re making a big difference to KRWG—allowing us to save money on mailing expenses and investing in us to bring your favorite NPR and PBS shows to southern New Mexico and Far West Texas
  • A TV sustainer at the $60+ level, as long as payment is successful each month, will have uninterrupted access to Passport

How do I become a sustainer? How does it work?

You can become a sustainer by giving online or through contacting KRWG Public Media at (575) 646-2222 during regular business hours (Monday–Friday, 8 am-12 pm and 1-5 pm), or calling 888-922-5794 outside of regular business hours. KRWG will receive the message.

You can become a KRWG Public Media sustainer via your credit card, debit card, or NMSU payroll deduction ($60 annual minimum).

Credit or debit card:
You can become a sustainer through your credit or debit card—look for the “monthly credit card charge until instructed to stop (sustaining member)” option on our donation pages.

The joint TV & FM page is set up a little differently. Make sure to check the box if you’d like your TV or FM donation to be an ongoing (sustaining) gift—you can check the box for TV, the box for FM, or both. Please note that on this page, the FM frequency of payment will match the TV frequency of payment you have selected.

Payroll deduction:
NMSU employees can become KRWG sustainers through payroll deduction of at least $60 annually; please see more on that below.

When will my card be charged?

Credit and debit cards (debit cards will be processed like credit cards) will be charged about the 15th of the month, depending how weekends fall.

I’m an existing sustainer. What if my billing or mailing address has changed, I need to update my card information, or otherwise update something about my sustaining gift?

To update the information KRWG has on file, and/or change the amount or frequency of your sustaining gift moving forward, please contact KRWG Public Media at (575) 646-2222 during regular business hours (Monday–Friday, 8 am-12pm and 1-5 pm).

If you aren’t sure whether KRWG has the most up-to-date payment information for you, please call us!

I work at NMSU and am interested in a payroll deduction to support KRWG.

Thank you! Once you visit https://mypayrollgift.nmsu.edu and complete the payroll deduction form, this information is routed to Payroll and the NMSU Foundation, which processes payroll deductions on KRWG’s behalf.

Please note: While you choose the amount you’d like deducted from each paycheck, there is a $60 minimum annually to contribute to KRWG Public Media this way.

Donor Privacy

KRWG and the NMSU Foundation policy prohibits sale, trading, sharing, or making available in any form its database of donors to non-university organizations.

Donation Processing

KRWG is licensed to the Regents of New Mexico State University as a public service to southern New Mexico and far west Texas. Donations to KRWG Public Media are tax-exempt via the Regents of New Mexico State University, 170(c)(2)(B), EIN 85-6000401 and/or the New Mexico State University Foundation, 501(c)3, EIN 85-0170157.