The Science Digest
Tuesdays at 8:45am
KRWG explores the world of science every week with Vince Gutschick, Chair of the Board, Las Cruces Academy lascrucesacademy.org
Scientists urge extreme caution in research on "mirror" amino acids.
Our ancestors passed on some very valuable material we depend on today.
The difficulty of imaging considering how light behaves inside the body
Dr. Vince Gutschick shares a new method for making PFAs with lower risk.
Dr. Vince Gutschick sings the praises of the mammal that's winning the "rat race".
Dr. Vince Gutschick draws us in to the mud with one of our ancestors.
Dr. Vince Gutschick discusses an unusual job that involves darting and naming whales.
Dr. Vince Gutschick sheds light on the amazing abilities of the tiniest creatures.
Dr. Vince Gutschick relays Asimov's idea that some of our earliest ancestors are still with us.