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New Mexicans invited to rally before hearing on science curriculum

  Commentary: The public is invited to join the Rally for Science Education on Monday outside the Public Education Department’s hearing on proposed science-curriculum standards.

New Mexico’s Public Education Department has removed references to climate change and the age of the Earth from new science standards it has proposed for public schools.

Teachers, scientists, government-accountability organizations, faith groups and other New Mexicans will gather Monday outside the public hearing on the draft standards and call for the state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards as they were written, to align with the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community.

The public is invited to join the event and bring signs to express support for non-politicized science education.

What: Rally for Science Education

When: 8:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 16

Where: Sidewalk in front of Jerry Apodaca Education Building, 300 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe

Who: List of speakers:

8:30-8:34: Jeremy Sment, parent; introduction

8:36-8:40: Rabbi Neil Amswych, Rabbi and former astrophysicist

8:42-8:46: David Craft, meteorologist

8:48-8:52: Charles Bowyer, executive director, National Education Association New Mexico

8:54-8:58: Ellen Loehman, New Mexico Science Teachers Association

9 a.m. NM PED Public hearing begins

9-9:04: David Coss, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter chair, former Santa Fe mayor

9:06-9:10: Ruby Lopez, Earthcare eductor

9:12-9:16: Meredith Machen, League of Women Voters New Mexico

9:18-9:22: Cherry Dzur and high-school students, Children’s Trust

9:24-9:28: Joan Brown, New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light

9:30-12 p.m.: Open microphone at the park on corner of Don Diego and Galisteo

12 p.m.: NM PED Public hearing ends

Supporting groups:


Bernalillo County Democratic Party Strike Force

Citizens' Climate Lobby

Climate Parents

Conservation Voters of NM

Democratic Party of New Mexico


Earth Care

Energy Foundation

Environment NM

Food and Water Watch

Moms Clean Air Force

National Center for Science Education

National Education Association- New Mexico

New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light

New Mexico Science Teachers

NM InterFaith Power and Light

NM Solar Energy Association

Retake Our Democracy

Santa Fe Citizens' Climate Lobby

Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter

Temple Beth Shalom