February 6, 2014 – Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, Emily Guerra bridges the community with the Branigan Cultural Center Curator of Education, Dr. Elisabeth Stone from Belen, New Mexico. She received her Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in Anthropology, with a focus on Archaeology. From “Museum Selfies,” to “Birds, Bees & Brews,” she has developed new programs in order to stay on the cutting edge to attract new and younger visitors to the City of Las Cruces Museum System. Dr. Stone has lived and worked in Spain and Peru, and appreciates the value of being bilingual to make the museums more accessible to a larger audience.
The City of Las Cruces Museum System (LCMS) consists of the Branigan Cultural Center, the Las Cruces Museum of Art, the Las Cruces Museum of Nature & Science, and the Las Cruces Railroad Museum. The first presentation for the “American Indian Cultures and Histories of the Southwest” Series will take place at the Branigan Cultural Center on Thursday, February 12th at 1 p.m. with SABA, Diné/Walatowa – Las Crossing Signs aka Arrowsoul Art. For more LCMS information and events, and to volunteer, visit www.las-cruces.org/museums, and on Facebook - Branigan Cultural Center.