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KRWG Celebrates National Pet Day

National Pet Day is April 11th and is dedicated to the pets who may not always get the companionship and attention they deserve. While loving our pets is something most people do every day, the observance encourages helping orphaned pet companions.


  • Take pet supplies to shelters and pet rescues.
  • Donate or volunteer at a local rescue.
  • Offer assistance to a friend caring for pets recovering from illness, or simply in need of additional help with their pets.
  • Adopt a pet or an additional pet? The more the merrier!
  • Give your pets extra love and snuggles today!

For National Pet Day our social media specialist wrangled up as many KRWG staff pet photos as possible today to share with our audience!

Now it's your turn! Share your pet photos in the comments below and celebrate the love for companion creatures. :)

Angelina Malone is the Social Media & Digital Media Specialist for KRWG Public Media. She recieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography & Graphic Design from New Mexico State University in 2009. With at least 14 years of experience as a graphic designer and freelance artist, she is excited to share her expertise with KRWG Public Media and the community.
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