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Congressman Drafts Letter Calling For Immediate Suspension Of Jared Kushner's Security Clearance

Rep. Ted Lieu

Commentary: WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) co-led a letter to White House Counsel Don McGahn calling for immediate revocation of Jared Kushner’s security clearance until the FBI concludes its investigation into Trump-Russia ties. In April 2017, Congressman Lieu was just one of four Democrats who signed onto a letter to OPM Director Charles Phalen and then FBI Director James Comey raising concerns regarding Jared Kushner’s failure to disclose his meetings with foreign officials.

“Last week, we learned that Jared Kushner lied, yet again, about his contacts with Russian officials on his security clearance form. Not only did he fail to disclose meetings with known Russian intelligence recruiter Sergey Kislyak and Russian banker Sergey Gorkov, but he omitted as many as two additional conversations with the Russians during and after the campaign. This would be disturbing enough without considering Kushner’s purported goal – to establish a secret back-channel with the Kremlin using Russian communications equipment.”

“Now we know that he is likely the subject of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe. If this were anyone but the President’s son-in-law, he would be out on the street – or in jail. Simply put, Jared Kushner is compromised and must resign immediately. I am proud to co-lead this letter with Representative Don Beyer calling for the immediate suspension of Mr. Kushner’s security clearance. This is well beyond nepotism – this is about the security of our nation.”