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NMSU Las Cruces Announces Fellowship Program

By KRWG News

Las Cruces – The Domenici Institute for Public Policy is launching a fellowship program that will eventually bring researchers from around the state and nation to New Mexico State University.

"The senator is firmly committed to economic development based on innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as matters of national security, the federal budget, mental health care, and energy," said Garrey Carruthers, dean of the NMSU College of Business and vice president for economic development. "These issues formed the cornerstones of former Sen. Pete Domenici's career and Domenici Fellows will be tasked with conducting research on them."

The Domenici Institute was established on the main campus of NMSU in 2009 and seeks to be a regional leader in the area of public policy analysis. For this initial request for proposals, Domenici Fellows will select from the following research areas of strategic interest to the Institute:

Domenici Fellows will research areas of strategic interest to the Institute, such as:

Energy, especially the impact of Department of Defense facilities generating their own power.
Entrepreneurial and free-market approaches to economic development.
Development of graduate and undergraduate classes that advance free-market and entrepreneurial models of economic development.
Assessment of workforce needs in New Mexico and development of best practices for filling identified gaps.
The effects of recent health care reform on the operation of hospitals, medical practices, physicians, and/or patients in New Mexico.
Mental and behavioral health issues in a changing health care environment.
The impact of large-scale reintroduction of uranium mining and development in New Mexico, especially on Native American populations.
Reduction of the federal deficit while also dealing with the economic recovery.

"Through the Domenici Fellows Program, research faculty will be able to conduct policy analysis and draft recommendations to local, state and federal governments based on sound science," Domenici said. "The goal of sound science research is to provide pragmatic, innovative, economically viable solutions to critical issues facing the nation."

Domenici Fellows will be expected to produce a peer-reviewed journal article discussing their work at the Institute, as well as presenting their work at either a Domenici Forum or a conference in their discipline.

The initial group of Domenici Fellows will conduct their research over the upcoming summer session, according to Christopher Brown, head of the geography department, director of the NMSU Spatial Applications Research Center and a member of the Domenici Institute Advisory Council. Only NMSU faculty will be considered for the fellowship this summer, but for subsequent semesters the program will be accepting applications from faculty members at other universities. All successful applicants are required to be in residence at NMSU during their fellowships.

A formal call for proposals will be released on Oct. 21, with applications due by Jan. 15, 2012. Winners will be announced no later than March 15, 2012. A sub-committee of the Domenici Institute Advisory Council will evaluate the proposals and select the fellows. The former senator is expected to play an integral role in choosing the first round of fellows, Brown said.

Additional information, as well as the Fellows Program Application, can be found online at www.domenici.nmsu.edu starting Oct. 21.