Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, bridges to the community, host Emily Guerra meets with local Author and Astronomer, David Lee Summers. His 10th novel, “The Astronomer’s Crypt” was recently released. It is a contemporary horror novel that tells the story of a haunted observatory based on his experiences working at Apache Point Observatory (run by NMSU) and Kitt Peak National Observatory (where he currently works).
Summers’ ninth novel, “The Brazen Shark,” recently won the “Preditors and Editors Reader’s Choice Award” for best steampunk novel in 2016. Steampunk is a genre that tells science fiction stories as if they were imagined by people in the nineteenth century. Much of his interest in the nineteenth century comes from the fact that Summers’ grandparents homesteaded in New Mexico near Raton; and his “steampunk fiction” also ties into his interest in astronomy. His first novel in his Clockwork Legion series is “Owl Dance,” and has just been released as an audio book at For more of Summers’ works visit