Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, bridges to the community, host Emily Guerra meets with New Mexico State University Professor and Director of Starlight Theatre Company of Las Cruces, Dr. Ginger Scarbrough Andersen; and with Starlight Theatre Performer, Bridget Andersen.
Ten years ago “Starlight Children’s Theatre Company, the first youth theatre company in Las Cruces was founded. It is now called Starlight Theatre Company of Las Cruces. Their primary focus is musical theatre with young performers ages 8 through 18, and often perform Gilbert and Sullivan’s comedies with challenging music while keeping a bit of history alive for the next generation.
For over 130 years, Gilbert and Sullivan’s musical comedy – “H.M.S. Pinafore,” set on Her Majesty’s Ship, The Pinafore, has brought memorable music and plenty of laughs to audiences, while poking fun at England’s rigid social class. Some plays stand the test of time through cultural relevance. “H.M.S. Pinafore; or, The Lass That Loved a Sailor” will be at New Mexico State University’s Atkinson Recital Hall on July 15th and 16th; and on July 22nd and 23rd. To find out more visit their website at www.StarlightOnStage.org.