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Reading for Fun This Summer

  Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, bridges to the community, host Emily Guerra meets with New Mexico Bilingual Educator from La Union, Patricia Minjarez for over 30 years.  She shares her reading passion with her students by sharing great literature, and has dedicated herself to making sure her students have books that they can take home to start their own libraries. 

With school almost being out for the summer, there are plenty of activities to do besides playing video games that can involve reading for fun. She says that “the most important thing for parents to do during the summer is to engage with their kids and talk to them, and not necessarily do homework kind of things.” Parents can teach their children to like reading by reading to them for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day.

Minjarez says other activities that involve reading for fun is going to a museum, hiking, or reading a recipe. She suggests that students keep a journal of all of their summer activities so they can be prepared when they return to school in the fall and their teacher asks – “What did you do this summer?” She says “they don’t have to do a lot of writing, and thinks it is good, especially for little kids so they start to figure out that writing has meaning, because if writing has meaning it becomes more important to them.

To donate books for her students, you can contact Minjarez at Vado Elementary School or email her at 2620pamila@gmail.com.