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Spice is Not Nice - Fake Drugs or Real - a Modern Nightmare

Ruth Rivas and the picture of her son Adam Hernandez.
Adam Hernandez, age 28.

  Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, bridges to the community, host Emily Guerra meets with Speaker and Educator, Ruth Rivas, from El Paso, Texas, and Founder of “Spice is Not Nice” a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to bring awareness and educate the public about spice and other synthetic drugs.

On June 20, 2012, her son, Adam Hernandez, lost his life to this highly addictive and deadly hallucinogenic drug. Adam was in the Navy, and like all branches of the service, they highly drug test all members of the military, but spice cannot be detected on a drug test, that’s why it is so popular. Rivas says spice can be found at convenience stores and smoke shops designed to appeal to younger consumers in an innocent looking packet of potpourri or herbal incense. The package is marked “Not for Human Consumption” therefore it is not regulated and can be legally sold to anyone of any age.

To find out more visit www.spiceisnotnice.org or on Facebook. Rivas has also published a book “Listen. Learn. And Live!” revealing the ugly truth about spice, and is available to speak to any organization and school to educate and bring awareness about synthetic drugs and other addictions.