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Centennial Commemoration of Pancho Villa's Raid


Cabalgata at the U.S./Mexico border.

  Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, bridges to the community, host Emily Guerra meets with Columbus Historical Society Volunteer and Freelance Writer, Kara Naber, and Columbus Chamber of Commerce Events Organizer, Norma Gomez.

On March 9th, 1916, Mexican revolutionary, Pancho Villa and several hundred of his men attacked the Village of Columbus. Soldiers of the U.S. 13th Cavalry fought and drove the raiders three miles across the border into Mexico. During the fight, 18 U.S. citizens and over 100 Villistas were killed. The Centennial Commemoration of Pancho Villa’s Raid on Columbus, New Mexico will be held on March 9th and 12th in remembrance of those civilians and soldiers who lost their lives.

Another event planned for Saturday, March 12th is the 17th Binational “Cabalgata” or Cavalry Trail Remembrance Ride, where members from both sides of the border join together in peace and unity to honor the casualties of the raid. Gomez says there will probably be 200 to 300 people that will ride. For more information call the Columbus Chamber of Commerce at (575) 343-0147.