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Sagrado - A Sacred Homeland

SAGRADO: A Photopoetics across the Chicano Homeland by Spencer R. Herrera, co-authored by poet Levi Romero and photographer Robert Kaiser. Published by UNM Press.

  July 18, 2014 – Las Cruces, NM - On this edition of PUENTES, Emily Guerra bridges the community with Dr. Spencer R. Herrera, New Mexico State University Associate Professor of Spanish. He recently co-authored a book – Sagrado: A Photopoetics across the Chicano Homeland, with poet, Levi Romero and photographer, Robert Kaiser. They document their journey through the Southwest and the U.S./Mexico borderland through a collection of essays, photographs, and poems of Chicano life as it is in Las Cruces, Anthony, and Canutillo, NM; Tucson, AZ and Juarez, Mexico through musicians, low riders and boxers, ceremonial dancers, field hands, old trucks and more. Sagrado is Spanish for sacred in English.

To find out more about Sagrado visit the University of New Mexico Press webpage: http://unmpress.com/books.php?ID=20000000005376&Page=book