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Marking The Tenth Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act

DPNM Chair Marg Elliston

Commentary: Today marks the 10th anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. Since its passage, the ACA has helped more than 226,000 New Mexicans gain access to health care coverage, and currently it’s one of our most effective tools in the fight against COVID-19. 

Despite the success of the ACA, Donald Trump has spent his presidency attacking the law and trying to dismantle protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Just yesterday, the president admitted that he would continue his lawsuit against the ACA, even in the midst of a global pandemic. 

DPNM Chair Marg Elliston released the following statement on the 10th anniversary of the ACA
“Now more than ever we’re seeing how critical it is to ensure that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. Over the last ten years, the Affordable Care Act has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans for the better by expanding coverage, lowering costs, and protecting those with pre-existing conditions. 
“While Donald Trump continues to use the presidency to attack our health care, Democrats are fighting every day to expand on the success of the ACA. We’re proud to see how our Democratic leaders at the state and federal level have passed legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs, expand health care coverage, and reduce premiums. That is the kind of leadership that we need in the White House, and that’s why we’re ready to elect a Democratic president in 2020.”