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Two Years Later, the GOP Tax Law is Another Broken Promise

Commentary: Today marks two years since President Trump signed the GOP tax law, giving millions in tax breaks to massive corporations and multi-millionaires, while leaving hard-working New Mexican families behind.  

In 2016, Donald Trump came to New Mexico and claimed he was going to “massively cut taxes for the middle class” and “lower your taxes big.” 
Instead, President Trump’s law was designed to penalize families with children, which is why New Mexico’s Democratic-led state legislature and Governor Lujan Grisham passed a critical fix, which would put $26 million back in the pockets of hard-working parents. 

Even so, the GOP tax law could increase taxes for more than more than 266,000 New Mexicans in the next few years. Corporations, on the other hand, have already saved more than $91 billion on taxes in 2018. 
And the Republicans aren’t done yet. Recently the White House acting Chief of Staff said President Trump wants to “go beyond the corporate tax cuts put in place by the 2017 law” if he’s re-elected. 
After two years of the GOP tax scam, it’s clear that this was just another of President Trump’s many broken promises.
DPNM Chair Marg Elliston released the following statement regarding the two-year anniversary of the GOP tax scam becoming law: 
“New Mexicans are sick of the president’s broken promises. President Trump claims to be for working people, but for two years, he’s been giving a tax cut to the richest and most powerful, while leaving hard-working families in the dust. It’s time for us to elect a leader who will create real change for New Mexican families, instead of offering us only tired rhetoric and empty promises.”