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New Mexico Memorials Denouncing Trump Orders Introduced

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  Commentary: Santa Fe, NM – Today, Senator Jacob Candelaria introduced memorials condemning both Donald Trump’s recent executive orders attempting to shut down the entry of Muslims into the United States and his foreign policy actions towards Mexico that would be detrimental to our state.

Senate Memorial 42 calls on legislators to denounce President Trump’s Muslim ban and calls on the courts to continue to review presidential immigration enforcement policies for constitutionality.  Just yesterday, the University of New Mexico issued a warning to the about 110 international students from the seven countries included in President Trump’s Muslim ban advising them to refrain from travel abroad because of the uncertainty caused by the executive order.

“President Trump’s Executive order is nothing short of a direct violation to the rights of legal residents living in the United States,” said Senator Candelaria. “New Mexicans have long rejected discriminatory policies and now the legislature must send a clear message that this type of bigotry does not represent our state’s values.”

Senate Memorial 39 emphasizes the devastating economic impacts that President Trump’s foreign policy actions toward Mexico would have in New Mexico. Specifically, the memorial addresses concerns about the effects that President Trump’s border wall would have on the Santa Teresa Port of Entry and the cost to New Mexico business that his proposed 20% tariff would have on New Mexico businesses.

“Too many New Mexico businesses rely on cross-border trade for legislators to look the other way as President Trump pushes his proposal to build an ineffective border wall at the expense of our business owners,” said Senator Candelaria. “At a time when our state is struggling to attract jobs, we must vocally oppose policies that would suppress economic development and investments in our state.”