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Report highlights results of guaranteed basic income pilot program in New Mexico

The New Mexico Economic Relief Working Group [ERWG] and non-profit UpTogether recently held a press conference after publishing findings from their guaranteed income pilot program in 2022.

The guaranteed income pilot program targeted low-income, mixed-status families across New Mexico who didn’t qualify for or receive pandemic-related government assistance.

According to Javier Rojo, Senior Researcher and Policy Analyst for New Mexico Voices for Children, the support program had a broad and positive impact on participants’ quality of life.

“After receiving [guaranteed income], our participants reported higher rates of employment, more stable work schedules, improved housing and food security, [and] improved educational outcomes for children. However, we saw no change on health outcomes,” he said.

Nichelle Gilbert, Executive Director of the Partnership for Community Action, said that the study presents how a publicly funded guaranteed income program could benefit New Mexico communities.

“A state government sponsored and administered guaranteed income pilot for workers in workforce development and job readiness programs would help to mitigate shortages in critical industries like early childhood [development], empower workers to leave exploitative employment, and provide access to quality employment and advancement opportunities,” she said.

The report comes after a guaranteed basic income pilot programlaunched in Las Cruces earlier this month.

Jonny Coker is a Multimedia Journalist for KRWG Public Media. He has lived in Southern New Mexico for most of his life, growing up in the small Village of Cloudcroft, and earning a degree in Journalism and Media Studies at New Mexico State University.
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